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  1. Automopheliac


    I'll ignore the first part of your post but this I will agree with 100%. I've had a few mates with razorbacks and all I can say is wow. Very very fun guitars to play! but they do get a bit uncomfortable :P
  2. Automopheliac

    My brand new vn turbo v8

    Damnit!! I was fully going to buy this off trademe but I couldnt sell my VP in time. You lucky prick!!
  3. Automopheliac

    Want more power for your rb30? Heres some answers!!

    Hey Goon, did you get that r32 manual mentioned above?? I'd be keen to have a read if you could send it on!! Cheers Jb
  4. Automopheliac

    opperation turbo vp v8

    Oh my god I am eagerly waiting for the results of this. That is a wicked setup! Had it been very costly so far? Jb
  5. Automopheliac

    Hektic turbo dose uleh!

    Duck call blow off valve? YouTube - blow off valve duck call Hahaha this is gunna be the first mod on my next turbo car Jb
  6. Automopheliac

    what do you do to escape reality, relax/chill-out? and release anger?

    Guitar guitar guitar.. If I'm angry or need to chill, I'll pick it up and play along to all the tool albums :P Jb
  7. Automopheliac

    Silly VP Calais died on me this evening

    Just got it back from the mechanics, the frost plugs were rooted so I got them fixed. Have another problem now as the car seems to be running on 6 cylinders? any ideas?
  8. Automopheliac

    Silly VP Calais died on me this evening

    Hey guys Well I was driving home from work this evening and as I turned around a round about, the engine cut out completely. It started after about 20 minutes, but after a couple of minutes of slow driving (at the end of which I was luckily in my driveway) I noticed it heating up and it started...
  9. Automopheliac

    how to rice kiwi style

    Hey I think thats quite cool :yeah: Reminds me of the Rav4 that had a Caldina Gtt engine in it that was kicking around here a little while ago.. I think it ran mid-high 12's on the strip :whistling Jb
  10. Automopheliac

    Automopheliac's VP Calais

    Yeah thank's mate, I'll start shopping around :D Oh and by the way, the second I saw your clubby I fell in love!! nice work! Jb
  11. Automopheliac

    Automopheliac's VP Calais

    Yep he's pretty much stock, might stick him on a dyno soon to see what the story is. Any ideas on some mods to gain a bit of power? Jb
  12. Automopheliac

    Automopheliac's VP Calais

    Gidday, I'm Jono, I'm 18 and I live in Auckland, NZ :yeah: This is Bruce (like Bruce Banner :D(the hulk for the slow ones)), He's a 92 VP calais V8. The only mods I know of at the moment are exhaust and those unfortunate trispoke wheels which will be banished once I get a bit more...
  13. Automopheliac

    VP calais Window switches

    Thanks for that mate! Does anybody else have this problem with their VP? Jb
  14. Automopheliac

    VP calais Window switches

    Hey guys still new here and still havent posted pics of my calais :yeah: Anyhow I've been having a bit of problems with my drivers side window not going down. Can anyone tell me how to take the switches out of the centre console so I can give the contacts a bit of a clean? I dont want to go...
  15. Automopheliac

    polsihing engine covers

    Hi Guys n00b here(sorry) Just need to ask before I do this, do I need to put anything on the covers after stripping them to stop the metal from oxidising? or will it not happen? Cheers Jb