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  1. M

    VZ Motor Replacement

    thanks Guys, Both of those have been done. I will see how it goes today.
  2. M

    VZ Motor Replacement

    There has been yet another theory in my cars wooes. Apparently there is a filter in the oil pickup. when the car warms up it clogs up reducing the pressure of the oil giving the warning. When the car cools down the crap drops off the filter and works ok again. It only happens when the cars get...
  3. M

    VZ Motor Replacement

    Thanks guys. It has been suggested to me that it may well be the oil pump as the oil warning light comes on every now and again and they think it is lacking in pressure. Having said that I drove it for about 30ks this morning with no warnings appearing and the motor sounded normal.
  4. M

    VZ Motor Replacement

    Hi Guys, My VZ wagon has done approx 150,000k and the motor started making strange noises yesterday. I took it to a dealership and had it assessed and they indicated it was an oil pump problem and that it would need to be repalced. I drove it home and took it to the dealership closer to home...