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  1. alltorque

    VS Calais BERKLEE exhaust any good?? need reviews ASAP!

    im getting berklee exhaust system tomorrow (from catback, straight 2.5" no resonator) mixed reviews from different exhaust installer shops but could just be to gain business so need to know if anyone has had any problems or heard anything bad about them. any response awesome , cheers
  2. alltorque

    question is stupid but how to you post a blog??

    question is stupid but how to you post a blog??
  3. alltorque

    hey hey im not new to holden but i am new to a fan based site and always wanted to participate...

    hey hey im not new to holden but i am new to a fan based site and always wanted to participate in a cruise how can I find out about upcoming cruises weather fun run or charity? and response will be appreciated. cheers