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  1. D

    VS2 v8 gearbox swap to getrag v6

    Hey guys, Need help please. Im recently converting my clutch to an Exedy Hd in my Vs2 commy. When I dropped the gearbox I realised it was a v8 and the clutch kit I hav purchased will not fit it. Instead of buying a new clutch kit as they are extremely expensive I thought it would be cheaper...
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    1,2,3....and the list keeps rising

    Yes I put 4 new ones on...however OOPS no I didnt check for high tensile. Will endeavour, I didnt even think about that one. Thanku
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    1,2,3....and the list keeps rising

    Thanks heaps..The way you explained it makes a whole lot of sense. I dont think the cas has suffered (fingers crossed) The pulley without the belt is moving freely and looks to the eye to rotate nice...just if we wanna get all technical yeh I think it out by a cuple of mm..Ill wait until I get...
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    1,2,3....and the list keeps rising

    Evening e'rybody.. The last few weeks I have had nothing but trouble...getting good exercise is probly a better way to put it. I have a VS2 Com-manual. after doing a water pump and waiting lengthy amount of time waiting for parts to arrive (I like to 'cheep cheep' the parts, generally grab em...
  5. D

    Thanks for your reply, I ended up answering own question yesterday. Apparently whenever LH/RH is...

    Thanks for your reply, I ended up answering own question yesterday. Apparently whenever LH/RH is spoken it refers to when we sit in driver seat..RH is always driver position and LH being passenger. Sorry to annoy ya but Im glad now I never attempted till the query was solved couldnt imagine the...
  6. D

    Hey.. My name's Mel, just joined your group. :) Checked out your piccys WOW that VK is pretty...

    Hey.. My name's Mel, just joined your group. :) Checked out your piccys WOW that VK is pretty schmick chick well done..I own VSII commodore stn wagn man (dont believe in autos lol) nothing special but she's my crumpledore and wouldnt own anything else. The first car I had was an old VB that this...
  7. D

    Good evening Chick...gotta question for ya... I have an error code of 13, 44 & 76 which are all...

    Good evening Chick...gotta question for ya... I have an error code of 13, 44 & 76 which are all related to O2 sensor. Mine is throwing out the RH sensor as lean..thing is I got this far and a little more however just wanted to check as I cant find anywhere on net which one the RH is... would...
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    my car has a ghost or its dying!! either way i wanna burn it

    Hey, I have a vs comm..recently had that exact same blasted problem!!!! I FEEL YOUR PAIN....mate I checked error codes and threw back crank angle sensor (the part cost $90 Repco or go ebay should pick one up around $50-$60)..I had replaced fuel filter thinking that was the problem to begin with...
  9. D

    VS cutting out while driving

    Thanks guys for all your help. Did fault codes lol (I think i expert on that now) 7 threw bak at me. cas was main prob..$90 later new sensor replaced thank gawd cos its running better - touch wood. Also anti-theft deterrent missing in bcmu which was creating a 45 min leeway before i could...
  10. D

    Help - Big Problem?

    Hay I have a vs doin similar but mainly when hot or rainy...has shut down on me coupla times on highway (not cool man) anyhow I was suggested to check fault codes in hope it'll detect the problem..I havent as yet had time to 'play' with mine..but I recommend you do somewhat the same. You can...
  11. D

    Hey, how u doin? Jus wondrin do you do much work on your own car? Im about to put myself through...

    Hey, how u doin? Jus wondrin do you do much work on your own car? Im about to put myself through a couple of courses cos where i live there is no mechanics and i got 2 kids (no real man lol) so gotta do myself and sometimes it gets pretty difficult. Got this major starting andgoing prob hapnin...
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    efi vk.

    I think your ride looks awesome...it's all original interior (looks like) so keep it that way and as for the colour mate, id leave it as is cos if you start changing an original made vehicle too much after spending so much money on it I guarantee it won't be worth half as much in years to...
  13. D

    vs v6

    As dumb as this might sound, check your fuel filter is on the right way...
  14. D

    VS cutting out while driving

    I have very similar prob with my manual VS .. engine warning lamp comes on and sometimes engine cuts out where I will need to clutch start it. Time to time I will not be able to start the car until waiting 45 min...battery terminals have been loose yet since fixng those tha prob still occurs...
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    Crusie Control Not Working

    Im a bit late for this conversation, however I have been having problems with my Vs Wagon that has Cruise Control added to it....lately after realising my fuel filter was put on the wrong way I have solved most headaches but in driving down the highway yesterday I tried using Cruise Control and...
  16. D

    VS v6 owners check this out

    Just recently I have had problems with my Vs Wagon. For over a year now the ignition would not start if left in the rain nor overly hot sunny days. I would have to wait 45 min leway to restart and whilst on the tonne down the highway at times the engine would die however lights on the dash are...