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  1. V

    Hey Mel, how are you? Man O man, I wish I could help you on this one. But what I will do is have...

    Hey Mel, how are you? Man O man, I wish I could help you on this one. But what I will do is have a chat to a couple of mates of mine and I'll see what I can find out. I'm having some problems with my car, It's got no idle. I'll be driving down the road and she just turns off. Wish i knew what it...
  2. V

    Hey. I hope all of the car stuff is working out for ya.

    Hey. I hope all of the car stuff is working out for ya.
  3. V

    Hey. Yeah I'm good thanks. Yes I do, do work on my own car I love it. I agree do a couple of...

    Hey. Yeah I'm good thanks. Yes I do, do work on my own car I love it. I agree do a couple of courses they will come in handy for when you do need to work on your car. I live in Adelaide. Just remember that when you do work on your car just take your time, and if it helps mark the parts you are...