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  1. C

    How to Change a Starter Motor

    so i have the same problem with my vs auto.. just went underneath it to undo 2 bolts from what the manual says... get there and it has a mount covering 1 of the bolts... is this where i use a 13mm ring spanner? Also, im pretty sure but just wanted to stir everyone..lol.. cana vs starter motor...
  2. C

    3rd Radiator in 6-8 months! no warning, just pops HELP!

    Hi Guys, Im sure this hasn't been posted, as i have looked everywhere! ok so over the last 8 or so months, my 96 VS Commodore Acclaim has had some cooling issues. first time - driving for about 10 mins, car temp gauge went all the way up to H, very fast. then as quick as it went up, it...
  3. C

    Question about 15 x 7 steel wheels "interceptors"

    Hi, just wondered if anyone knows how/where I can get interceptor wheels widened?