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2000 VX Calais V6

General Information

Hi everyone,

I thought I'd share some photos of my old daily drive, my 2000 VX Calais V6.

As per the log books, this was originally a GM-H executive car from Holden Ltd in Victoria. I'm told that's why the red round Holden sticker is on the windscreen too.
I purchased the car for $11,500 in 2011 with only 54,000 kms on the clock. I am the third proud owner. The car was my daily drive until Jan 2018 and has now done close to 200,000 kms.

The car has the optional Shale (68I) interior with wood-grain dash. Only modification is removal of the factory head unit and CD stacker and replaced with a Kenwood DVD/DAB unit. I have done all the mechanical work since I purchased the car. I believe in preventative maintenance and act on any unusual noises or behaviour as soon as it occurs.

To date the car has had; new front shocks, new front and rear discs and pads, new ignition barrel, new ABS module, relined hood-lining and sun-visors (sagging cloth), new bonnet and boot struts, new DFI, coil packs, ignition leads, plugs, new power steering rack and pump, new fuel pump, new radiator, heater tap and hoses.
All replacement parts have always been genuine from Holden.

The padding within the seats has disintegrated over the years - apparently it's common for these models for the foam to turn to a brown coloured powder. Poor quality materials used at Holden back then. I'm going to re-do all the padding when I get a chance as this is the only thing that spoils a near perfect interior.

The car has never missed a beat and has always given great performance and economy. Had to call NRMA once when the DFI packed up - the serviceman was astounded that I had a new one in the boot on the day to get me going again. He said it's the first time in all his years of service that a customer had spare parts and tools in the boot to get going again :)

Since these photos were taken I have fitted white Venetian blinds. The car really stands out on the road and gets a few heads turning. Still looks like new as it gets detailed regularly and has had a light buff. No dints or scratches in the bodywork. Not may of these around now!

Great to see so many other nice cars on here too - it's good to see that everyone here is still keeping the dream alive :)

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