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2015 VF SLIHR, Washington State, USA

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2015 SS #3088 built for 2015 Export

M6 SLIHRM. Sunroof, no spare, #19 of 19 built


Most people don't know what it is - the lion on the front and back confuse them all. But, there are those that do, and often know it from the Supercar series and Bathurst. One guy at a Starbucks drive thru serving me couldn't believe his eyes when we rolled up 'is that a holden commodore, where, how did you get it over here.....' Best is the traffic lights - its a real sleeper, no one is paying attention until I let loose with the 3rd pedal and the LS3 does its magic - even the M3 enthusiasts give us a thumbs up. Launch control would be interesting, but need to be very aware who is out and about. I love this car.
Hehe, the Commo looks sik parked up in AnyTown, USA, Pete.
Excellent work mate.
No worries - I have 2 - a 2017 Spitfire and the 2015 above. Love them both!
VF gets some love on its 5th Anniversary - C.Quartz Finest Reserve following a full paint correction

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