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  1. J

    Difference between 7HAG & 9HKG gearbox

    Hi looking to replace my broken gearbox from my 2008 Ve Calais sportswagon its got the LY7 motor and M82 gearbox (5L40) the gearbox code is 9HKG Would this gearbox fit M82 7HAG 5 SPEED AUTO 5L40E BLACK PLUG 03-09
  2. Dechlan Tutty

    [VZ SV6] Aftermarket Transmission Cooler Install

    Hi everyone, A few weeks back I made a post asking about installing a transmission cooler on my SV6, and how to go about it. I finally got all the parts I needed and put it in the car on Tuesday. Right now it seems to be doing just fine with zero leaks and still getting up to temperature, so I...
  3. Dechlan Tutty

    ['04 VZ SV6] Transmission Cooler Line & Fitting Sizes/Types

    Hi everyone, Looking at installing a cooler on my car when I do a transmission fluid (& filter) change. What type of fittings/lines do I need to install the cooler in-line (after the radiator cooler tank thing)? Also, how do I go about it? Do I have to cut the 'out' oil line from the radiator...
  4. YoungHoldenMan

    HELP! What transmission could/will fit a 07 ve sv6?

    My transmission has recently shat its self in my 2007 VE SV6 Holden. Ive been looking around for a M82 transmission (the type of gearbox currently in the car) and finding it hard to find one at a price I can afford. Just wondering if any other gearbox's would fit? like a 6 speed? Also, I'm...
  5. L

    M82 transmission fail??

    Hi everyone, long time stalker first time poster. I have a 2007 VE Calais with the Ly7 and m82 (5l40e) transmission. I have had this annoying harsh "misfire" and figured it was the coils. (Had the same issue once before, diff car) Changed them all and it made zero difference. Thought it was...
  6. J

    5L40E service issues.

    Today I decided to take on the transmission service as the car is approaching 150,000km. A while back I needed to replace the radiator and upon doing so i noticed the fluid coming from the transmission was a dark/cloudy black colour and assumed the fluid will need changing soon. So today i’ve...