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chuck norris


    Funniest car for sale - Mirage (previous owner chuck norris?)

    Hey guys, A mate of mine on facebook posted this up. Mitsubishi Mirage 1993 for sale - TradeMe.co.nz - New Zealand It's a Mitsubishi Mirage for sale? looks...unique? and the description by the owner is worth a few chuckles :rofl2:
  2. Morton

    Morton's white VQ Statesman

    Ahhhh at last. Pictures. It's nothing particularly special at the moment, but it's a helluvalot more roadworthy than the VP is now, so it's a good start. I picked it up for $3000 in Sydney, NSW. Yes, I live in Brisbane, and yes that makes it a 1000km drive, but it was worth it. Brisbane...