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  1. topdzl

    Clear tail light - Garnish

    Hey I want to get clear tail light on my vt but I need to do something about the garnish in between! so I wanna know if there's anyway to get the stock garnish cleared - i don't want to place the later models garnish - to suit the tail light, or if there's anyone who sells clear garnish. I...
  2. R

    bad clear coat

    i just finished tinting my taillights and they turned out great up untill i applyed cear coat. the coat isnt 100% smooth. it has a texture to it that stands out in the sunlight. does anyone no what would cause this and how to fix it? i was thinkin maybe cut and polish?? i will be painting my...
  3. dylanfh

    VR/VS Clear Depo Tailights (Sydney)

    For sale are a full set of Depo brand taillights,only problem is one of the orange blinker caps have came off inside the light,they are used,so they have the odd small marks on them,but still look good on the car (as shown in pics),asking $80.00 the set,im in Mt Druitt area of Sydney which is...