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  1. E

    VY Cluster LED & LCD Removal

    Hey All, Have bought a new cluster as parts of mine have fried (Gotta love the LCD black ring of death)... I have got plenty of experience with soldering etc, but am having trouble removing the LCD's and LED screens at the solder points on my cluster to be changed over. Has anyone had much...
  2. J

    VZ Berlina Windows Down with Key Fob?

    Hey, I was wondering if anyone could let me know whether the 2004/5 VZ Berlina Sedan V6 will allow one to automatically lower the electric windows using the key fob? I know a number of manufacturers include this as a standard 'comfort-style' package... allowing you to lower the windows by...
  3. V

    VR VS Ride Comfort..

    Hey Guy's and Girl's.. Just wondering if all these utes have a harsh ride or not? curious to find out if i can make it a little bit more smooth.. because ATM if I closed a container with milk and chocolate syrup in it and sat it on the seat, it would turn into a milkshake with in a minute drive...