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  1. danja

    Danja's 2010 Levin ZR

    Model: 2010 Toyota Corolla Levin ZR Hatch Description: Well, I decided it was finally time to ditch the boring old VZ SS, and get myself a fully sick new Corolla! **** yeah! It's a 2010 Levin ZR 6spd manual hatch. Got all the cool gizmos like rain-sensing wipers, auto leveling...
  2. speed__demond

    commodore vr VS corolla e90

    ok my mates said a few annoying comments that his stupid corolla would beat my commodore in a race or that it has more power to weight. his corolla is a e90 (1994) (the one holden nova rebadged) its a stock as a rock hatchback i know his chassis is e-92 and that its not the fuel...
  3. SMIT

    ****(vic) Wrecking Ae80 Toyota Corolla Complete Cheap***

    ITEM: Wrecking Toyota AE80 Corolla Complete LOCATION: VIC, South Eastern Suburbs CONDITION: Average condition have all parts minus timing belt, was driving before that went, have replaced allot of parts on the engine bay with new parts, alts ect. PRICE: Make an offer DELIVERY/PICK UP...