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fuel pressure

  1. A

    Is it bad for fuel pressure to get low on a CAMMED sv6

    Hi guys and girls. I have a cammed sv6, and I was told not to let fuel get below 1/4 in the tank due to low fuel pressure otherwise “[my] engine will blow”. Now my question is, is this true for all driving conditions or just racing conditions?
  2. R

    Does anyone know how to check fuel pressure on a VL?

    I'd like to check the fuel pressure on my '86 VL Executive (Auto) with a fuel gauge but i'm not too sure how. I've seen people test fuel pressure on other cars with a fuel pressure gauge that threads into a thing called a schrader valve but it doesn't look like my car has that anywhere. Sorry if...
  3. family fix it man

    Vs fuel mistery ?

    Ok, so I’ve done the basics. New injectors, new fuel pump and filter, new air filter, cleaned the chamber, maf, etc. My car is VS V6 manual. New spark plugs, leads tested good. Coils ok I think. Here is my problem, the engine is missing when I put my foot down. Ok, lots of things could be...
  4. Spudrageous

    Vz v6 supercharged fuel problem help

    It'd be awesome if someone can answer this I have some sort of fuel problem. I bought a scan tool to try figure it out. It was showing that my long term fuel trim is constantly at -12.5% for bank 1 and -10.9% for bank 2 right through the whole rev range and cold start up. Short term fuel...