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fuel pump

  1. D

    vr blowing excessive black smoke

    Ok so I had the car at the mechanics to have the trailing arm bushes done.. I've got it back blowing a **** load of black smoke, idle is going mental, too high, then crashes and stalls.. it used half a tank to drive 32ks.. it didn't do this before it went in there and they had no need to touch...
  2. P

    unsure about Fuel pump swap

    whats up? i've just been looking around on the internet and saw alot of videos and things where people have put a v8 fuel pump in their ecotec. was just wondering id there's any noticable gains when driving the car if i did that or if i'd need to do work to the engine? also i own a 2001 vx...
  3. T

    VTII V8 Gen III wont start fuel issue

    Hi Guys, I have been having a little trouble lately starting my V8 GenIII Calais. Most of the time it starts 1st go, but occasionally it takes 2 or 3 tries. The car has been idling rough for a while now, but seems to have the same get up an go as when I first got it. Yesterday the car...
  4. T

    VT fuel gauge stuck after fuel pump replacement

    I was having problems with my fuel gauge showing empty when I still had some 30L in the tank. It wasn't a problem with the fuel gauge itself because the computer was coinciding with the fuel gauge in terms of "kms to go till empty". I replaced the fuel pump and sender assembly with a brand...
  5. F

    mystery fuel pump problem vp 3.8L v6

    car stopped working thought problem was immobilizer so disconnected immobilizer system car was still not working and no fuel pump noise, so replaced fuel pump with new unit still no noise so checked fuel pump connection with test light and power was there thought there might be problem with fuel...
  6. K

    Just stops???????

    Hi guys My VX Wagon just stops while driving in hot days. During last week never stopped because of friendly whether. even I drive it regularly around 100ks. But week before last week It stopped about about 20 times in 10ks. Actually while driving its motor just stops, you pull it inside...
  7. S

    Wiring problems in a VR ute, no power ANYWHERE!!

    hi, just replaced the fuel pump in my Vr series II ute, ran for a minute now nothing!! fuel pump wont wind up at all, and now it wont turn over because im only getting 4V to the starter. im getting 12V to all my relays and fuses, but the fuel pump fuse is only getting 11V. should this be a...
  8. S

    Vs commodore issues

    Hey guys need some opinions. my 95 vs commodore ran out of petrol the other week, died at the petrol station, then i filled it up and it was fine for the drive home ( 10 mins). i took it for a drive not long after and it cut out on me, and wouldnt start,,after getting it towed home and leaving...
  9. B

    VP ute

    Hi Commodore lovers. Im hoping someone can shed some light on this for me. My VP ute ran out of petrol and then wouldnt run on petyrol after that so I changed the fuel pump and it made no difference so I have tested the circuit and it appears to be all good so I pulled the pump out again and...
  10. V

    VB Fuel Pump problem. no fuel getting to engine.

    i have a vb commodore as a paddock basher, recebtly just stoped, and it is not pumping fuel to the carby or the fuel filter.. where are the fuel pumps on these? are they in the tank? how to go about replacing one? if taht is the problem which im sure it is.
  11. B

    92 vp ute computer \ fuel pump

    Hi all, I think I am having some problems with the computer, its not telling the fuel pump to turn on. i have checked the pump with a wire from the battery to the relay and the pump turns on and the car runs fine. I have also done the fault check and got "12" so all is good apparently. I am...
  12. G

    VERY URGENT: VR electrical issue

    Hi folks, I've previously started a thread in the VR/VS general section, with NO luck (as no-one has replied). My VR Acclaim (Series II - converted to BW T5) has a rather crippling electrical fault somewhere, and I need to know where to find it. Symptoms shown (or smelt): * blowing...
  13. G

    VR Fuel and Ignition Problems

    Hi folks, I've had the fuel pump in my VR replaced about 5 months ago, and recently had my tank replaced (as the patch that was on it (there when I got the car) was leaking through a crack, and hemoraging fuel). Friday night, I picked my wife up from work; and the car sat (off) at home for...
  14. L

    VS stops dead on half a tank of fuel! Please help!

    I've had my 1996 VS Acclaim for a year now and nothing seemed wrong with it until about two months ago when it wouldn't start for me at a shopping centre. It worked fine for a few weeks until it suddenly stopped dead at random places. It continued for a week to stop and start until I took it to...
  15. VZ57SSZ

    VS Walbro GSS-342 550HP fuel pump, yes or no?

    Hey guys My fuel pump went and I want to replace it with something reliable So I can get a Walbro GSS-342 550HP 255LPH for $132 or should I just buy the stranded replacement pump? I also wanted to know is it reliable has anyone got one and would it be suitable for me as the only mods I...
  16. T

    2000 VX Commodore Berlina Losing Power While Driving

    Hey Guys I have a 2000 VX Commodore Berlina = Automatic. I have had a few problems in the last couple of months. Firstly I had trouble starting it, so the NRMA recommended I get a new battery. After about a week, occasionally it would still be hard to start and the car lost all power while...
  17. S

    Fuel Pump on Holden Astra???

    Hey, can anyone direct me to the whereabouts of the fuel pump on the 2000 1.8l Holden (Opel) Astra? Is it the same as the VX, where you have to drop the tank?:help:
  18. owen18

    VL Executive Fuel Pumps

    Hi, First of all sorry for creating another VL fuel pump thread but through the quick browsing of the other threads i couldn't really find what ive been looking for. Just bought myself a VL about 6 weeks ago and have been hearing a rattling which sounds like its coming from the fuel tank...
  19. VS5spdV6uteowner

    possible fuel pump problem? please help!!!

    :bang:my vs ute isnt starting anymore, but before this happened i would have a problem where if i put the foot down just even a bit the fuel would cut off and id end up stalling, this eventually got worse and would happen if i tried to baby it. Now it wont crank over. When i go to crank it i...