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  1. J

    Beginners rebuild/modification car

    Hi all, I’m new to the world of mods and DIY car-related tasks (beyond basic servicing and maintenance which I’m capable of and do already), but was just wondering if anyone had good suggestions on a Holden (preferably Commodore-platform based ute) that would be a good starting point to really...
  2. P

    First post, in need of answers.

    Long time viewer, first time registerer (lol) thought it was about time i made an account and had my deepest questions answered. first of all. im 18 and have never been into cars. but i now own my cousins VS commodore wagon. and i love it. i search stuff constantly, always try and learn...
  3. DJ-Bolan

    Mechanics and Non-Mechanics welcome! Share what you know!

    hey, just wondering, how many people are actually mechanics here, and how many are not? just curious, because i want to learn about cars from the inside out. was thinking about becoming a mechanic, but due to financial reasons i'll have to hold out for a couple 2 years. how long roughly (i...