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lock drivers door

  1. 2

    Lock problem

    So I have a 2003 vy commodore all the doors lock except the drivers door. The drivers door lock knob on the doorcard is stuck down and will not go up with any amount of force, yet the door is unlocked and won’t lock with the key or fob buttons. all the other doors do lock and unlock perfectly...
  2. D

    VS Commodore Multiple Electrical Issues

    Hi, Looking for advice on multiple electrical issues with VS Equipe 2 wagon. I am wondering if some of these things are linked back to a single cable loom or some other point in any way? At this stage the issues are: 1. Key less remote wont unlock drivers door (only drivers door) using...
  3. B

    door handle not working

    My VX dirvers door is not opening when unlocked with remote. Will unlock when key is used. Looks like the door is not popping up enough when used with remote. Any idea's on what needs to be done?
  4. [Linkin Park]

    Locking Automaticly when sutting drivers door

    Hey everyone Well when I shut the drivers door the car locks every door then i have to unlock it. this doesn't always happen but today it happened until I started the car then it stopped.:lock::computer: This would be good if I wanted the door to lock lol. Luckily when I have had the...