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  1. S

    M82 wiring issues

    I recently blew up the box in my 2008 sv6 I purchased another box from a wreckers and have noticed the plug on the back is a 20 pin and the plug on the old gearbox is a 19 pin the new box bolts up to the car fine with no issues. I was wondering if I could remove the wiring harness from the blown...
  2. J

    Difference between 7HAG & 9HKG gearbox

    Hi looking to replace my broken gearbox from my 2008 Ve Calais sportswagon its got the LY7 motor and M82 gearbox (5L40) the gearbox code is 9HKG Would this gearbox fit M82 7HAG 5 SPEED AUTO 5L40E BLACK PLUG 03-09
  3. YoungHoldenMan

    HELP! What transmission could/will fit a 07 ve sv6?

    My transmission has recently shat its self in my 2007 VE SV6 Holden. Ive been looking around for a M82 transmission (the type of gearbox currently in the car) and finding it hard to find one at a price I can afford. Just wondering if any other gearbox's would fit? like a 6 speed? Also, I'm...