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rear wheel

  1. J


    Somebody please help! i went thru a massive puddle the other night and My vz svz wagon is making an awful knocking noise now when i take off and turn left, it subsidies at about 50kmh but when i got over a bump it continues for a second than goes away again but it always happens when i put my...
  2. S

    Loud bang from right rear quarter!!! Wtf is it???

    hey guys i have a 2005 vz ss, it has been making a really loud thump/bang noise in the drivers side back corner on a hard 1st to 2nd gear change and also when ever the right rear wheel is under any sort of pressure and the road is bumpy... it will bang... bang bang. i thought it was the bushes...
  3. V

    VX 2001 SS Sedan - Camber / Wheel scraping noise

    Hi there, I have a VX 2001 SS - Sedan, on 18" and is lowered (all existing before camber kit - with no problems) then i got the camber kit done by Holden about a month ago (due to excessive trye wear - the usual camber problem). The problem is 2 days ago I drove about 400km with no...