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ssv v8

  1. Julian28

    Please please help - ABS / TC Light on. Ive tried everything.

    2012 VE SSV My ABS and traction control light started coming on every now and then, now it's all the time as soon as the key is turned on. Time line of things I've tried - Tested battery. Fine - Replaced rear wheel ABS sensors. Did nothing. -Took to the mechanic and they tried different...
  2. S

    2011 ve ssv noises

    Lets play a fun game of what is wrong with this noise!!
  3. H

    Head gasket on its way out?

    Hi all, I have posted previously about my car issues and mechanic has now advises they suspect head gasket is on its way out Timeline: April - Temp gauge fluctuating - up to hot, back to normal then anywhere between normal and hot + fan on. Mechanic replaced thermostat and seemed to come...