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transmission mount

  1. J

    New engine mounts and transmission mount

    Hi all I had some new engine mounts and transmission mount installed on my 2002 VU ute last week. Aftermarket ones from here: 2 Engine Mount Commodore V6 Ute VG VP VR VS VT VU VY Holden Front Rubber Pair - Top Quality Non Genuine Aftermarket Rear Gearbox Mount VP VR VS VT VX V6 Commodore...
  2. vscom88

    VS Transmission Mount ( AUTO )

    Hey, I've just put a VT engine in my VS wagon and have done the necessary work to make it suit vs, now while trying to mount the tranmission up i stumbled across a problem. I actually cannot get the mount to line up with the black plate underneath it ? it's a few mm off here n there with leway...