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  1. V

    Jolt And Clunk When Change From Park To Reverse and From Drive to reverse

    ive just noticed today that my 2009 Ve International makes a rather noticable clunk (and sometimes jolt) when i put the car from park to reverse and from drive to reverse and it sometimes happens when i put the car from park into drive. im not sure if this is normal or is somthing i should...
  2. Beadan

    5sp manual

    Hows it going ppl, I got a problem and i am not 100% sure what it is. when i start my 5l vr ss 5sp manual it runs perfect, but every now and then theres this clunking noise in neutral like theres loose bolts rattling around in the flywheel area....also, when changing down from 4th to 3rd greas...