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  1. A

    VE Series I. Trip and Range not working

    Need help guys, trip rest to 0.00 but doesn’t operate. Range stays at 140km even after filling up. service reminder has been on for a while. any ideas?
  2. zvagon

    Road trip! (Newcastle-Adelaide-Toowoomba-Newcastle)

    One of the benefits of being a teacher is holidays... there, I said it. Anyway, this coming holidays we have two weddings in two weekends - one in Adelaide, SA the other in Toowoomba, Qld. So it's road trip time, right? A good excuse to give the new wagon a spin. The currently planned route...
  3. H

    vt trip computer switches

    My VT Berlina trip computer switches seem to have died. The left button no longer works and I can't reset it for trips or (and this is the annoying one...) I can't set the speed alert to more than 110 so it constantly beeps at me as I float around 110ks on the highway to work everday. HOW DO I...