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ve v6

  1. S

    2011/12 VE Calais series 2 V6 Exhaust

    Hey all! New here so apologies if this isn't posted in the right area. I recently bought a MY12 VE Calais Series II V6 3.6L Sedan. Wanting to keep it mainly stock but I'd like to get a bit more rumble out of it. Not looking to wake the neighbours or anything but hoping to get some...
  2. Fu Manchu

    [VZ] VZ VE VF Alloytec Cooling System Repairs

    Helpful basic overview: The following is for both VZ and VE and VF Alloytec motors. The first part of this is on my VZ. Opened the bonnet only to discover a fine line of pink spray from the dry red coolant, all across the engine bay. Lucky to catch it before it let go all together, and no...
  3. V

    VE OMEGA abs light an brake warning light

    So ive just gotten my transmission rebuilt, the guy that done it came around home an jacked the car up an left it on jack stands for about a week, hes just finish rebuilding the gear box an put it back in, when we put the car down an started it, it drove fine, no errors what so ever, now 1 day...
  4. adimw

    which fuel is appropriate for an '07 3.6? 91 or 95?

    hello all, been studying the forum for a few days now - new to the VE and new to Holdens. I've purchased an '07 VE with 170 on the clock and have mechanical insurance - my preferred garage mentioned I should use the "right" fuel and that 91 is "for lawnmowers" - does anyone else run their VE on...
  5. Connor Macnab

    VE LPG Engine Cover

    Hi guys, I've currently got a 2009 VE Omega with an LPG system within, and I was wondering if it is possible to find/modify a V6 Omega engine cover to allow for the solenoids to be covered also? View of the engine bay, anybody have any suggestions or solutions? Cheers
  6. J

    VE 2006 Calais startup faults

    G'day everyone. Im a new member. Our current Ride is a 2006 VE Calais V 3.6 auto. Brought the car second hand with 142000kms but the car is near immaculate. After a couple of months it has started flashing but not staying on after the system check, ABS off, ESC off and Engine check lights with a...
  7. Mk III the HSV

    [VE] Clean VE 3.6ltr Throttle Body

    Had a look on the forum the other day for anything relating to cleaning the throttle body on a 3.6ltr. I was having trouble removing the wiring loom to the throttle body. I eventually got it off and thought I might put a how to thread on how to do this. It fairly easy and shouldn't take any...
  8. Shamous69

    Lukey Exhaust fitted.. video with sound

    Had a lukey sports exhaust fitted to my Omega, was a bit worried at first that it was quiet but it's gotten a bit better after 1,000km of spirited driving. YouTube - VE Commodore Omega V6 with Lukey Straight Thru muffler IN CAR VIDEO: YouTube - Holden Commodore VE Omega V6 with Lukey...