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vl 87

  1. VL commodore NZ

    VL commodore NZ

    Hi everyone. Thanks for having me. New here and not sure how to navigate this site yet. looking at a bit of TLC on my late nanas VL. It’s in great condition 190~ on the clock but needs some work, mostly in the rear. Appreciate if you guys could point me in the right direction to reduce body...
  2. M

    Vl 304 conversion wiring

    Doing a vt 304 & getrag conversion into my vl and before i drop the new engine in want to rap my head around the wiring. What do I rip out of the vl and what mew ecu/bcm/wiring do I need to put in Any info or diagrams would be great, cheers
  3. H

    HELP.. trying to work out how much my 87 VL Berlina is worth!

    87 berlina going to the original look paint on roof and boot is starting to flake/fade... bit of bubble rust under windscreen... interior all good,perfect condition besides the executive centre console... alpine deck and 4 speaker pioneer stereo tastefully installed so that it will not be able...