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  1. R

    VT Commodore Boot Garnish changes

    Hi there, I was wondering if anyone knows if there’s anyone that sells custom boot garnishes? I’m looking at getting my car re-sprayed and I have aftermarket taillights that are clear which I’ll be tinting at a later date, and only just realised the red garnish on the boot would stand out too...
  2. ThatBlueVT

    L67 VT SS, Was running but now has nothing

    Hey all, I have an L67 VT SS About 3 years ago it stopped running and I tried for weeks to fix it but neglected it. It’s now time to get it running again. About 3 years ago, I was driving the car and it lost all power I disconnected the battery waited and hooked it up again and it was good...
  3. S

    VT Senator Series II

    Hi guys, does anyone know if the headlights on the HSV Senator are the same as the Executive/Calais Etc? Also if anyone has a front bumper for the Senator can you let me know. Thanks #new to HSV