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vz holden

  1. S

    Changing vz Holden key to a flip key need help!!!

    Hey guys I just want some feedback if anyone has changed there vz Holden key from a standard key to a flop key and does everything still work like doors and boot unlock please let me know thanks
  2. scaredyet

    Still Life Left In The Old Girl

    Happy New Year To Everyone. I'm currently on holidays on the Goldcoast and got here a week ago. I wanted to drive with the old girl for one last long trip from Sydney for the Christmas break. The car (2005 VZ Wagon) had a few issues to sort out before I could take it on a long trip but only...
  3. V

    After market Rear Tail lights

    Hey, this is my first post :) I'm wondering about after market rear lights, I was looking on eBay and found two I like but don't know which to choose. Maybe you guys have it on your car or any other ones that look great. My car is white so black ones will preferably look better. First one...
  4. Christinkler13

    MY VZ Calais

    Updated the thread to a general thread about ongoing issues and questions about my calais. Please check my response down there VVVV
  5. A

    VZ Holden Commodore (2007) Workshop Manual

    Has any one be able to track down a Workshop Manual for a 2007 VZ ??? Please let me know !!!