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2006 LX6 Adventra Wagon - How to remove steering wheel boss/airbag cover?.

Ian Moone

New Member
Apr 10, 2013
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Holden Adventra Lx6
I request for some advice please about how to remove the center steering wheel cover that covers the air bag, etc.

The Lx6 has controls on the steering wheel for radio volume etc...and one of the switch covers for volume has come loose. I was hoping to remove the center black plastic cover to get at the switch and repair or replace it.

There's a round plastic GMH dog emblem / badge in the center of the plastic air bag and horn switch cover, do I pry this out to get at a retaining bolt or something?

I imagine that wheel aligners have to take the steering wheel off frequently to reposition it when aligning the front wheels, so likely it's very easy/quick to remove this cover, but having never done it, I am worried about buggering it up or accidentally activating the air bag etc...by being ham - fisted, if I don't get some advice about the right way to do it first.

Many thanks in advance for anyone who's walked this particular rice paper trail ahead of this grasshopper....and can teach me how to snatch the pebble from the masters hand!. :beer chug:

Cheers & beers.