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2006 ve vin locked out

Fu Manchu

Get Off Your Phone When You’re Driving.
Mar 18, 2006
Reaction score
Western Australia
Members Ride
Kia Sorrento, VZ Crewman, VZ Cross 8 (VE Calais)
i don't have the original key fob as the owner bf me lost it and that's where the hole trouble started is there another way to get around not haveing the original key fob if i can figure out witch bcm and ecm is the original
You can really only stand a chance of finding the original BCM and ECM with trial and error or with a heap of mad skills on a high end bi-directional scan tool.

Look at the cars network like a home wifi. All the passwords have to match on the network or devices don’t connect. In the case of the VE, each module is a device and if even one of them isn’t matched, the network won’t play.

On top of that you have a key not talking to the original ECM and BCM now.

It’s a huge mess.

There are a lot of various modules throughout the car that need to talk with the ECM and BCM. If those are not talking on the same network with the right password (your VIN) the car can not start. It’s a long list.

It’s a bit messy figuring it out. What I make of your situation is for a skilled workshop to link the ECM and BCM to your VIN and relink a new master key. The skills, devices and time required to sort this isn’t easy to come by and it’s not going to be cheap. I’d be budgeting over a grand.


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Oct 3, 2024
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2006 ve
You can really only stand a chance of finding the original BCM and ECM with trial and error or with a heap of mad skills on a high end bi-directional scan tool.

Look at the cars network like a home wifi. All the passwords have to match on the network or devices don’t connect. In the case of the VE, each module is a device and if even one of them isn’t matched, the network won’t play.

On top of that you have a key not talking to the original ECM and BCM now.

It’s a huge mess.

There are a lot of various modules throughout the car that need to talk with the ECM and BCM. If those are not talking on the same network with the right password (your VIN) the car can not start. It’s a long list.

It’s a bit messy figuring it out. What I make of your situation is for a skilled workshop to link the ECM and BCM to your VIN and relink a new master key. The skills, devices and time required to sort this isn’t easy to come by and it’s not going to be cheap. I’d be budgeting over a grand.
if I'm able to plug the right BCM and ECM into the car will it exit out of the security mode or would i need the original fob as well

just wanting to know what sings to look for if i find the right combination

and if it meant getting the car running id be happy to pay a grand for it

the problem is finding some where that can actually do it as i live in a small town and i am about a 6 hour dive from Sydney so i try to do as much of the work on my car\s at home bf i have to take it to anyone\a shop

Fu Manchu

Get Off Your Phone When You’re Driving.
Mar 18, 2006
Reaction score
Western Australia
Members Ride
Kia Sorrento, VZ Crewman, VZ Cross 8 (VE Calais)
If you find the right ECM and BCM it still wont start. You don’t have the original (or matching) key fob.

This kind of stuff can’t be done at home in a driveway without specialised equipment.

You won’t know if the ECM and BCM is the original until a bidirectional scan tool is connected and displays the vehicles network topology.

As an example:

(Not a Holden) but you can see how many modules are involved on this one and the VE is similar.

Image source from:
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New Member
Oct 3, 2024
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2006 ve
If you find the right ECM and BCM it still wont start. You don’t have the original (or matching) key fob.

This kind of stuff can’t be done at home in a driveway without specialised equipment.

You won’t know if the ECM and BCM is the original until a bidirectional scan tool is connected and displays the vehicles network topology.

As an example:
View attachment 273510
(Not a Holden) but you can see how many modules are involved on this one and the VE is similar.

Image source from:
alright well ive got her booked into the shop and ill go from there