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*Advance Working Software for elm327 or elmscan5 compact*


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Jul 29, 2011
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I have a elmscan5 compact usb cable and I was having trouble finding advance diagnostic software for my wh statesman ls1. Before I was using Proscan 5.9 but the only thing I was getting out of it was a few numbers which I had to lookup manually for codes. This new software called "ScanXL Professional 3.5 (Build 2532)" tells me advanced diagnostics which I was not able to get with Proscan. This includes misfire data, trouble codes with reset, transmission diagnostics, tps voltage, freeze frame data and many other things. If you search thepiratebay for "scan xl" you will find it there if you want it for trial. So I installed the program, and it asked me to select the vehicle. It obviously did not have Holden so I chose Chevrolet and then Camaro, year 2000, and engine LS1. First time I connected it did not connect. Then I tried to connect again and then it connected and started scanning the car. It took a minute but then I had total information about the car which only advance software give. I tried the trouble code menu and it immediately listed all the trouble codes. I was also able to reset it pressing the reset button. Pretty cool software, you guys should try it. Good for advanced diagnostics. Totally works with these cars, unlike other software.
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