thanks for all the comments guys it's slowly coming together its taken alot and i mean alot of work to get it to the stage its at now. but i couldnt have done it without your help and knowledge of the l67 dan.
parbs i havent yet mounted the jack bracket. but i am going to put it under the tray next to the spare tyre. i may possibly have to use a plastic cover or something to stop it getting too dirty. but the cab is small enough i dont need it in there. and i dont really want it inside the tray either. but once i sort something out ill be sure to post up some pictures.
its looking like i may have a dud climate control heater box as it sometimes wants to work and other times it wont work at all or wont change etc. im going to look in to it more. but i wont need that for rego so its not on the top of the priority list.
and also have a dud reverse switch so no reverse lights, which i must fix. hopefully its just a matter of tracking down a new switch and plugging it in (like everything else on this car " it doesnt work because its rusty")
im also having troubles with my thermo fan it has decided it doesnt want to come on properly at one stage it would turn on for one second then switch back off. im thinking this may be an issue with the temp sensor as ive swapped the relays etc. i may have to wire up an over ride switch in the meantime until i can sort out the littly niggly issues that have been creeping up.
i gave the windows a good clean this afternoon and they look a million times better than before. i cant wait until i get the chance to give the whole body a good detail and see how the paintwork looks underneath all the water marks and dust/old polish in cracks etc.
ive got a few pics to go with this update.
and lastly a pic of the new exhaust to go on. this is going to have a new y pipe made with twin factory cats