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Christ, tonight is just gut-wrenching. They've already built the last ones.

vc commodore

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Jun 18, 2014
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New World Order-Gov't only done what the masters told them.
Our future seems to be as a mining pit, dumping ground for unwanted Nuclear waste and holiday destination for Asia.We have to stop this now for our kids sake.
Its time we stated thinking of our own kids and jobs for them. In a small country like ours "Tariffs" are very important., the level playing field is acrock of sh.t. "RIP" Holden and all the best to the not only Holden Workers, but the firms that supported them.

There is a shift towards the defence industry in this state....This shift has been underway for 10 years or more. Geez, they're even building more accomodation facilities to accommodate Army, Air Force and Navy personnel not far from the Holden Factory. I won't mention about the naval ship contract that's been secured, about 40 k east of the Holden factoy, with ex-Holden employees being preferred as employees .

As for the Nuclear waste issue....It was proposed in an area which is highly unlikely to ever be inhabited by human beings. (ie, it's in the desert) The plans for the site showed it to be a secure facility....Even the aboriginal elders, who own the land, had no issues in the site being used for a storage facility....And that would have been the biggest stumbling blocks, one would have thought....(No disrespect towards the aboriginals either)

It was going to have Australians employed at the site, building it and managing it and Australia was going to be paid handsomely for the use of the site by the rest of the world.....So yeah, stopping this site being built was a brilliant move to keep our kids unemployeed

The problem is, people hear the word nuclear and immediately create a dislike to the idea of a storage facility....The manufacturing industry maybe going downhill, but there are other areas being developed to help create employment....Being around the area you get to know what is going on, rather that relying on the negativities being thrown around
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vc commodore

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Jun 18, 2014
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The Treasurer will announce today, that we need a massive productivity boost to maintain current living standards. Tell that to the lost City of Elizabeth / Playford.

Ex-Holden employees are first in line for a job with the manufacturing of the subs in this state.....The Elizabeth/playford area has had a high un-employment rate for the past 20 years I am aware of....A lot of the area is a public housing area, with a high crime rate and associated problems with that. So the closing of the factory may increase that...

Currently this area is undergoing a massive re-modelling, trying to turn it into another capital city region. Whether it has an effect on the employment and stigma associated with the area, is yet to be seen, as it is in the early stages of re-development.