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Cooling Fans

May 4, 2019
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Members Ride
VX Supercharged S2 Calais
Hey guys,
Driving home the other day I was at the lights n the bloke beside me said there was a shitload of water leaking out from underneath but kinda in the middle of the car, I checked my temperature which was normal, the lights changed so I drove on but by the time I got to the next set just 200m up the road I had smoke coming out of the bonet. So I pulled off thinking I’ve got a split hose but I checked everywhere n couldn’t find nothing unusual with the hoses.
I didn’t wanna risk driving it home so I left it there overnight n got the brother to get it for me he had a look and said it was fine so he went to bring it back for me but made 5mins around the corner from home n said the car just stopped/died on him telling me I had flat battery which I thought was unusual n while my sister b/f was with him he also told me there was smoke again.
So after leaving sit on the side of the road for a few days, I decided to take some bottle of water with me (just in case) n go n have a look.
I added some water to radiator, then I started the car (battery wasn’t obviously flat) while engine running I went to the front to see if there were any dramas.
- Hoses were all ok
- Battery was fine
- was hearing a slight screeching noise
Then I noticed both my cooling fans weren’t going.

Any ideas on what to do?


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Mar 14, 2015
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Far South Coast of NSW
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More cars than I've got space to park!
You can't really trust factory temp gauges, they aren't linear. The difference between normal operating range and bloody hot might only be a few degrees, they tend to move really quick once things get hot.

I'd guess that you have an electrical gremlin in the cooling fans, maybe even a CTS error, and if the fans stopped working in city traffic then the engine likely boiled and blew coolant out the overflow?

I'd further guess the following day's attempt to drive without coolant probably triggered an ECU shutdown, then your brother likely thought the battery was flat because the engine was heat-soaked and wouldn't turn over?

First thing you need to do is pressure test the cooling system to confirm there's no leaks, and that you haven't done a head gasket in the process of cooking the engine.

If that checks out okay then make sure it's full of coolant (and any air bled if necessary), then figure out why the fans don't come on.


P.S. Just noticed that was your first post... Welcome to the forum!