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Do i reset Drive by wire after throttle body clean to fix high idle?


New Member
Mar 22, 2013
Reaction score
Sydney ####
Members Ride
Hi all,

I was working on an VE V8 that missed its last few services. Hasn't has a service since 80,000km . 110,000 on the clock now. But that's a different story...

Engine light was on so I pulled out a code with my scan tool and it came up with a throttle body code. I cleared the code and it came back on on the next drive.

Cleaned up a drive by wire throttle body to fix up a rough idle. I put it all back together and the idle s now at 1500.

The engine was hot when I cleaned it. I told the guy to wait till it cools down, disconnect the battery to reset the ECM then reconnect it and turn it on to on, then start up and let the throttle body relearn.

He did all this and said it was fine this morning. Then messages me later and told me it went back to fast idle.

There are no broken hoses or unplugged hoses or sensors, I've cleaned lots of throttle body build up before.

It's like the throttle plate is not resting in the right position and its slightly open too much.

Oh and something else is that it's missed the plugs, fuel and air filter service and the transmission service.
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