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Jeez Stealthy. I can't believe you moved house because of your neighbours. It would have been cheaper for you to have grown some hairy testes and simply confront them with your greivance. But I suppose if you are OK to sit in your lounge room, minding your own business, watching telly, and start breathing in some ignorant wankers tyre smoke, then you are a pussy.
I vote we start a new post a pic thread, showing your driveway burnout. Let's see how many pics we can get up haha
I vote we start a new post a pic thread, showing your driveway burnout. Let's see how many pics we can get up haha
This post makes you sound like the biggest wanker. Any wonder why your engine and gearbox have **** themselves...the big deal is knowing that u own the car that is pumping adrenaline through your veins simultaneously to u pumping petrol into the bores as u go sideways or in a straight line or circles or however u want at the time, u own it, your doing it, its making lots of smoke and noise, and it feels F***ING GREAT going through your body but i agree with the whole getting drunk thing... fair enough once every now and again have a good time yeah but all the time, come on like why bother its usually not worth the next morning and youve just blown 50 bux if not more on liguid u just pissed up the wall or spewed haha