So pretty pissed with the outcome, does anyone actually measure the alignment of the gears when they install double row timing chains? As far as I can tell they have a manufacturing defect. I read about this before purchasing the timing chain on the fourm mentioned but the post was from 2011 so thought they’d have there **** together by now, guess not. Got some bearing blue to confirm the cam gear was sliding all the way on that was all good, but the crank gear sits to far in towards the block and it’s not even machined properly, it’s sitting on the chamfer of the crank so if it was machined correctly it would sit even further back and be even more misaligned, just wondering if anyone else has recently installed a double chain kit and checked this. Is there any point contacting mace and getting a replacement or are all kits fucked? I don’t think it should be upto me to get a shim custom made to fix there shitty machining