New Member
Hi guys trying to fix my elec widows on my 97 VS ute. Checked fuse ok, grabbed another second hand switch with no luck both switches when put to driver side can hear a clicking sound from possible relay in the BCM can also feel it. so I swapped the BCM with a spare but same again? I can't start the car with the spare BCM due to key code not matched. So original BCM bak in. When on passenger side no relay clicking sound. Are there external relays from bcm can't seem to find them.
When mirror switch is on drivers side then toggle the adjustment switch the clicking sounds like its also from the driver door also almost like a central locking attempt.
Also the rear window de-fog is there a relay, checked the fuse its ok. No luck, any hints? Where abouts are the terminals That go to the window heater.? took off the plastic covers on driver/passenger side not there. Under ceiling...?
Last issues with the ute then it's off to regency for the defect inspection.
Cheers guys
When mirror switch is on drivers side then toggle the adjustment switch the clicking sounds like its also from the driver door also almost like a central locking attempt.
Also the rear window de-fog is there a relay, checked the fuse its ok. No luck, any hints? Where abouts are the terminals That go to the window heater.? took off the plastic covers on driver/passenger side not there. Under ceiling...?
Last issues with the ute then it's off to regency for the defect inspection.
Cheers guys