To be honest, I wouldnt even bother with Brooklyn, your best to try around the Palm beach area if your keen to travel a little further. In my books the closer I am to the ocean the better the fishing.
Im guessing your land based, If so I recommend a day trip starting off at Palm beach wharf early in the morning, then at 9 catch the ferry over to Bonnie doon wharf or The Basin lagoon. Palm Beach wharf produces good Bream before the ferries come and scares them off, thats why you need to go early. Bonnie doon wharf is good for Bream and Squid. The Basin Lagoon is probably one of my favorite land based spots, its great for Flathead on soft plastics and whiting. Ive also picked up the odd big Salmon and Snapper on plastics in the Basin.
Personally Narrabean Lakes has been very consistent the last few months for me and my mates, every trip we have produced plenty of legal fish.