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Fuel tank leaking fuel


Feb 27, 2016
Reaction score
southern highland N.S.W.
Members Ride
2006 VE Calais V High output 3.6 auto
Today I removed the cover from the fuel pump to find it still hasn't leaked. I trimmed the edges of the piece of floor that was removed so that it can fit easily inside the cut hole. I found that there is a 3-4mm high gap between the cut piece of floor and the cut edge in the car leading to the assumption that the tank was pushing against the floor.
I pushed down on the cut piece of floor with the car running for about 15 agonizing minutes and discovered a small yet noticeable drip from the underside of the fuel connector. Using that same pressure, I pushed down on top of the fuel line and saw just how much flex in makes on the connector and the pump.

So, a happy conclusion is its fixed and found that the problem to be from the accident, resulting in the tank rubbing against the floor of the car. A close inspection of the old tank set up given what I know now I found that the top of the pump to be slightly distorted near the connection (about 1mm) and with a magnifying glass you can see very small hair line cracks underneath the fuel outlet on top.

Thankyou everyone for all your contribution and help, it really helped to get to this unusual conclusion.