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[VR-VS] Fuel Tank Removal


PAVTEK Race Engines
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Feb 22, 2005
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I struggled to find a step by step process for removing the fuel tank in a VS. Please note im not a mechanic, just winged it with a mate.

To start off - I have attached genuine Holden workshop manuals on the process and converted them to PDF (I hope this helps)

Step 1:
- Jack the rear drivers side and secure with jack stands.
- Remove rear driver side wheel.

Step 2:
- I had around 40lts of fuel in my tank that needed to come out.
- Grab a tub or oil drip tray and place it near the fuel pump sender unit.
- Looking at the fuel pump sender unit, undo the hose clamp for the bottom hose (return hose)
- This will drain some of the fuel in tank and make it more manageable to maneuver
- Refer to image named Step2 to visually see it.

Step 3:
- While the fuel is draining, remove the stone guard plate covering the filler neck held by 4 screws.
- Undo the clamps at the bottom of the filler neck.
- Refer to image named fillerneck. you can see my vent rubber lines have completely perished.
- Looking at the photo, the medium sized vent hose with the spring clip near the top will be the biggest pain in this whole job as it runs between the chassis frame and the top of the fuel tank. Its not hard, but requires some finessing to remove it from the top of tank and sliding it out of the rail.

Step 4:
- By this time, the fuel that could be drained will have slowed down.
- Undo the connection for the wiring harness and top fuel line hose.
- This next part will either require two people or a trolley jack with a plank of wood to support the tank.
- The two straps have 3 bolts holding it up. The passenger side strap sits in a slot just behind the diff cradle.
- Undo to the two bolts at the rear, and the 3rd bolt on the passenger side.
- This way you'll be able to slowly lower the tank. Remember, there is a hose running along the top of the tank through the rail that you need to unclip while youre lowering it.

Step 5:
- The tank should now be free from the vehicle.
- While on the ground I used a battery operated fuel siphon into the remaining filler neck to remove the remaining fuel in the tank which was around 35lts into jerry cans (Siphon link)

I removed my tank because its full of rust. I will be taking it to my tuner Electronic Automotive where he'll send it to be acid dipped and relined and fit a new Walbro pump.

Theres a million ways to skin a cat, and the way I pulled the tank out might not be the right way, as I mentioned im not a mechanic.

Hope this helps gents.


  • 2.1 Fuel Tank.pdf
    847.7 KB · Views: 26
  • 2.2 Fuel Filler Neck.pdf
    339.7 KB · Views: 22
  • 3.10 Fuel Control System.pdf
    717.8 KB · Views: 24
  • General Info.pdf
    582.9 KB · Views: 21
  • Step2.jpg
    220.8 KB · Views: 49
  • fillerneck.jpg
    313.6 KB · Views: 52
  • tankout.jpg
    445.7 KB · Views: 45


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Mar 9, 2013
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I've recently done this job on our Acclaim and you've pretty much nailed it spot on.

The only thing I'd add to it revolves around that awful Poly pipe that they used from the top of the tank to the filler neck which after all these years suffers from a massive amount of "rigor mortis". My suggestion is to use a heat gun gently and and this will soften the Poly pipe sufficiently to flex it around and also remove and refit it at both connections.

Another suggestion is while you have the tank out, just swap out all those vapor lines which Holden chose to just use PVC clear hose out of pure cheapness and by now will all be failing. Replace it will proper fuel line and as such you'll never have any fuel smell issues again.

Oh and while I remember, one other small tip is to thoroughly clean the rubber "neck to tank" connector sleeve and prior to installation smear a small amount of rubber grease on the inside of it to facilitate the ease of re-fitment of the tank and rubber connector so that it's easy to slip up and down and rotate to assure proper fuel tight connection / alignment between the two components.

Great "How to" write up "Jecs".


Can't live without smoky bacon!
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Thread moved to the How-to section :)