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grrr....car dealers


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Aug 17, 2010
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our local holden dealer has our deposit and we've taken the sale elsewhere due to their ineptness... paid on the spot 500 bucks from card and now weeks later, no deposit.. told the wife it will be signed off monday and sent out... also told her, they only post on a thursday and cant put it back on the card it came from.....

promptly told them that these are the types of things that loses them future sales.... monkeys !


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Sep 1, 2010
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i'm currently battling the same sort of problems bought a ute and its been in and out off workshops getting fixed they had dodgied so many things up and i just can't seem to get anywhere with them they just don't want to fix it engines rooted everything is stuffing up i can't even drive it out of town


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Sep 3, 2010
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went to a dealership today and its amazing comparing new cars section to used cars. in new cars we get treated kindly, given teas, coffees, even soup and cereal!! haha. but when we decided to walk outside to have a think about whether to make the plunge and buy a brand new car (which at the end of the day i did!) we walked through the used cars and saw two that i thought were genuine alternative to the new car we were mulling over.
After standing in the wind and rain trying to get a salesmans attention i eventually marched into the used cars section and asked the guy sitting at his desk if i could try out the 2 cars. i have never been treated so badly by a salesman (and to be fair, i have had nice treatment by used car salesmen too, but this one was very rude). he basically said "well which one are you gonna buy", a bit taken back (all my local salesman are very willing to help you try out cars adn find what suits u best), i told him i was looking at a new car but these were the other 2 that i was considering and wanted to try them out and then make up my mind. he basically said they dont just let people do test drives, and "let me put it this way, if you take out the honda, and it drives well, are you gonna buy it". the whole attitute and tone was very aggressive and i said, trying to hide ho his rudeness actually upset me more than angered me "never mind if its all too hard, dont worry about it" and walked out.

to be fair, about 10 minutes later he must have had a guilt or change of mind and did come outside and find me and ALMOST politely say he could organise a test drive (still pointing out the bother that it is on a saturday). even still, once he bought the keys out we again were kinda given the run around before being able to take teh car out. we didnt actually take out the honda we took out the calais and really liked it...but despite all its great features and relatively low kms, i deicded i wanted a new car. AND also just didnt sit right the idea of buying a car from someone who had obviously decided i either wasnt rich enough, or wasnt worth teh bother! either way, or whatever other reason he may have had, i was really quite upset. lukcily all the other dealers i have dealt with havebeen so lovely because if he was the first one id ever come into contact with, id never buy a car. atleast not from a dealer!

Critical Jim

Mar 18, 2009
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Filling me with confidence this thread is, I'll be taking a trip to a Holden dealer in a few months.

Looking to trade in the VZ for another VZ.


We should have sushi Carol
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Nov 30, 2003
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Equinox LTZ - runs on cocaine
Pretty sure im not allowed to say there name (although i cant see why).

Because you simply cannot go around slandering a business in writing. There is always more than one side to a story and we have only heard yours. You really should remove all reference to this business from your post.
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Feb 6, 2005
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Because you simply cannot go around slandering a business in writing. There are always more than one side to a story and we have only heard yours. You really should remove all reference to this business from your post.

Sadly many do not understand the legal impacts of slander/libel.

OP, this is just as much your fault as it is the dealers, you chose to take a car that had known issues, why take delivery of it while it is still below what you agreed upon?

went to a dealership today and its amazing comparing new cars section to used cars. in new cars we get treated kindly, given teas, coffees, even soup and cereal!! haha. but when we decided to walk outside to have a think about whether to make the plunge and buy a brand new car (which at the end of the day i did!) we walked through the used cars and saw two that i thought were genuine alternative to the new car we were mulling over.
After standing in the wind and rain trying to get a salesmans attention i eventually marched into the used cars section and asked the guy sitting at his desk if i could try out the 2 cars. i have never been treated so badly by a salesman (and to be fair, i have had nice treatment by used car salesmen too, but this one was very rude). he basically said "well which one are you gonna buy", a bit taken back (all my local salesman are very willing to help you try out cars adn find what suits u best), i told him i was looking at a new car but these were the other 2 that i was considering and wanted to try them out and then make up my mind. he basically said they dont just let people do test drives, and "let me put it this way, if you take out the honda, and it drives well, are you gonna buy it". the whole attitute and tone was very aggressive and i said, trying to hide ho his rudeness actually upset me more than angered me "never mind if its all too hard, dont worry about it" and walked out.

to be fair, about 10 minutes later he must have had a guilt or change of mind and did come outside and find me and ALMOST politely say he could organise a test drive (still pointing out the bother that it is on a saturday). even still, once he bought the keys out we again were kinda given the run around before being able to take teh car out. we didnt actually take out the honda we took out the calais and really liked it...but despite all its great features and relatively low kms, i deicded i wanted a new car. AND also just didnt sit right the idea of buying a car from someone who had obviously decided i either wasnt rich enough, or wasnt worth teh bother! either way, or whatever other reason he may have had, i was really quite upset. lukcily all the other dealers i have dealt with havebeen so lovely because if he was the first one id ever come into contact with, id never buy a car. atleast not from a dealer!

This is the main reason I have turned off Holden. Their customer service ranked last while looking at new cars (even while servicing with them etc the customer service was utter ****). I had less issues when looking at BMW's, it seems Holden dealers in particular seem to think they are above everyone else. Certainly made me happy buying my new car next door to a holden dealer that completely ignored me.


We should have sushi Carol
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Nov 30, 2003
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Equinox LTZ - runs on cocaine
Their customer service ranked last while looking at new cars

Try being a female buying a car. They assume you know nothing other than you want to buy a red one to match your nails. I have baffled a few with technical questions and proved the odd salesperson is wrong in his knowledge. It's even funnier/frustrating if you have a male along for the ride as they want to talk to them, even if you are the one buying the car.

Highly frustrating buying a car.


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Jul 29, 2008
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I work as an apprentice mechanic at a dealership, our used car partnership across the road gives us all their cars to service and repair. Me being the apprentice they give me the annoying jobs. All I can say is, do not buy a used car. I had to re do a timing cover gasket/ sealant on a mazda 6 because it leaked oil. I was advised to clean the whole engine over extremely well afterwards making sure there was no mess. Little did the guy know that bought the Mazda 6 three days before that, that the car used about 4L of oil every 5,000km's The engine was purely rooted. The used car salesmen lacked to tell the customer about that slight issue.

Really, so everyone has to buy new cars from now on do they? I'm an apprentice mechanic aswell.. Our used cars we work on get quoted up with any work needed, if it is over a certain amount it is sent off to a wholesaler, otherwise we fix it. If it isn't fixed, we won't sell it, simple.


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Aug 25, 2008
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MAN! That salesman is lucky he didn't sell that car to me! I woulda stuck him in the engine to see if it fixed the problem or something ay. That is totally wrong. I wonder if he sleeps with both eyes open coz if he did that too much sooner or later someone would be out to get him.

ssv 08 ute

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Aug 2, 2010
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Just to answer a earlier comment...i havnt actually named the business so theres nothing to retract.
The biggest mistake i made was not saying in the contract a time frame for these repairs to be done...live and learn i guess.


Im heading back AGAIN...this monday and have told them im staying untill the stereo is fixed.
Ive given up on all the small things...its turned what should be an exciting time (for most guys) into quite the opposite.

Ill hand over complain letters to the dealer principle....ahg direct the consumer affairs and move on.