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Need some boot struts for a VT Manta? Don't do what I did.


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Jul 15, 2013
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VT 5.7 Calais S2 HBD
Hi all,

I just bought a really nice 5.7 VT Calais S2 HBD with factory fitted Manta kit. It's awesome, low km's and its been really well looked after. Don't know what took me so long to get a V8.

Anyway, this is going to be a bit of a complaint post, but I don't want anyone else to waste their cash and time.

In short don't buy the "Holden Commodore VT VX VY VZ Sedan Spoiler Boot Struts" from the GasStrutGuys if you have a factory fitted HBD Manta spoiler. They wont hold the weight and you'll spend more than the struts are worth to return them.

So......................... the full saga......

My boot wouldn't open unless I was lifting it whilst I pressed the boot release button, annoying. Obviously I needed new struts. So I had a hunt around on the forums and saw a couple of recommendations for the GasStrutGuys. Off to the internet. I went to their website and found the "Holden Commodore VT VX VY VZ Sedan Spoiler Boot Struts" $24 dollars, but was that for a pair? the web page doesn't say it, and other struts on the site that are pairs are $40-50, so it must be each. Anyway, Quantity = 2, purchased.

Shipping was really quick, I was impressed. 2 days and they were in my hand. But 4 struts, DOH. My bad, I should have contacted the company first and made sure, I'll just sell them in the forum to someone for cheap.

Then I go to fit them.....

Fitting was pretty simple, thanks again forums for the how-to. Then I pushed the boot release button on my remote.... and .... it re-locks.... damn. OK, the company must have sent the wrong ones, I'll contact them and see what happened. I go to the website, no contact details, none. Now what? I search the internet and find some gmail account that might be theirs, that doesn't work. In the end I had to find their seller account on eBay and contact them through that.

I explain that I have Factory HDB Manta kit installed and I think the spoiler is a bit heavier than normal. I ask if they have ever had a problem with a factory spoiler before, or if they sent the correct ones. They don't give me a part number to check. After a few conversations about what the problem is, they just agree that it doesn't work. They ask me to send it back to them, and they will give me a "full refund" when they receive the struts. I'd rather just make sure they sent me the right ones, but ok, I'll send them back. At least I get to return the extra pair I bought.

I'm pretty understanding, parts sometimes don't fit every application, this is pain but it happens. So I send them back. Shipping for me is a bit more expensive than it was for them to be sent to me, especially if I want to track them. But I figure he's refunding the original postage with my full refund so I'll take the hit, even though they are clearly either (a) the wrong part, or (b) not fit for purpose.

So they receive them, and in comes the refund. A partial refund. They decided not to refund the postage. So I get to pay what ended up to be $24 in total for shipping, the cost of a pair of struts. If I hadn't had stupidly ordered 2 pairs it wouldn't have been worth even sending them back.

At this stage I'm pissed that he cheaped out over $8.50, and informed him of this. I did keep it civil, kinda. I asked why I got a Partial Refund and not the Full Refund as promised. The response was that many ebayers would not agree with my position, and that "you wanted the struts to do something they are not designed to do".

Fuming now... I don't give a crap about the $8.50, I mean what am I going to do with it? buy a few red frogs? Its the principal, you said full refund. And I bought boot struts for a VT Commodore with a spoiler, to fit to a VT Commodore with a spoiler, and this is my fault??? Weren't they designed to support the weight of a VT Commodore with a spoiler? Because that's what I wanted them to do!

So, as we live in the internet age, I'm venting to anyone who can be bothered reading this entire post. Trying to make sure no-one else buys these for a VT with a Manta spoiler. I doubt he'll be updating his website to say they may not suit some applications, so beware.

In fairness the boot struts are pretty cheap and shipping was quick. So if I had a standard boot I'd probably by really happy with my purchase right now.

So, if you read this GasStrutGuys, try the following:
1. Add some contact details to your website,
2. On each page state clearly if the product is a "Pair",
3. Add a disclaimer/footnote on the VT Commodore with Spoiler page that it doesn't suit a HBD Manta Spoiler,
4. If you say you'll give a "Full Refund", do it.
5. Don't blame the customer if they have done nothing wrong.

Granted you couldn't have done 3 if you didn't know, but the other points are just good business practice.

And if you are thinking of using them, well, you probably won't have my experience, but decide if its worth it.

Rant over......


W.A. Cruise Moderator
Apr 6, 2008
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You got lucky most ebay sellers sell things for $1 plus $24 postage so they have to refund you bugger all if you return it. A business will NEVER cop the cost of postage in a situation like that.

Cheers for the tip though, my XU6 has the Manta kit so good to know.


Jun 16, 2012
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While it's often convenient to buy online the fact is a seller doesn't have to refund postage costs, even if the item is faulty. You wear it and that's that. Worth considering when buying online. Some will but they don't have to. You can always ask a seller what their return policy is before buying.

Ebay sellers who have ludicrous postage prices to offset low sale prices should be reported. It's a violation of Ebay policy and you don't see it anywhere near as often as a few years ago.


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Jul 15, 2013
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VT 5.7 Calais S2 HBD
You are typically correct, even in cases of failure the purchaser is responsible for the cost of returning the product, unless the cost is deemed significant then it becomes the sellers responsibility. The definition of significant is also determined by the purchaser (within reason) but definately appies in the case where return fees are close to or in excess if the product value. It is covered in Australain Consumer Law to protect people in cases where it costs more to return the product than it is worth.


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Jul 15, 2013
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VT 5.7 Calais S2 HBD
Ok, I read you comment wrong the first time, you weren't talking about return postage. I agree completely, they don't have to refund it.

I was only pissed as they said they would refund me in full, then didn't. They didn't even try to clarify the statement or my apparent misinterpretation of it. A little better communication could have easily resolved this.

And you are also spot on with the practice of low sale prices, sellers used to do it as eBay fees were only based on the sale price, so they got to pay eBay a lot less in fees. eBay just changes the fee structure to include postage to negate this and it stopped a lot of it. It would be interesting to see if sellers were also doing it now to avoid paying refunds to customers.


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I don't think there was anything wrong with the struts. Had the same issue with my VX GTS. The problem is that the boot lid is not under enough tension when it's closed so doesn't get pushed up and re-locks itself. If you look where the bootlid sits on the boot opening you will see two round rubber stoppers - one on each side. You need to wind those stoppers out (anti-clockwise) until the bootlid pops open when you use your remote. Try winding them out 180 degrees at a time, closing the boot and unlocking with the remote until you get it right. Good luck.


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Jul 15, 2013
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VT 5.7 Calais S2 HBD
Hi BlackVXGTS, thanks for the suggestion. I think there is a good chance that adjusting the stoppers will work, but given how hard the boot slams I still think there is a weight issue.

I'm just going to get someone out to custom set the pressure in the struts, hopefully in the next week or so.

If it ends up being those stoppers I'll gladly eat my words on the suitability complaint I made.

I will post an update when this is resolved for anyone who is interested.


I.T. Technician
Sep 25, 2012
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I don't think there was anything wrong with the struts. Had the same issue with my VX GTS. The problem is that the boot lid is not under enough tension when it's closed so doesn't get pushed up and re-locks itself. If you look where the bootlid sits on the boot opening you will see two round rubber stoppers - one on each side. You need to wind those stoppers out (anti-clockwise) until the bootlid pops open when you use your remote. Try winding them out 180 degrees at a time, closing the boot and unlocking with the remote until you get it right. Good luck.

I never knew they could be adjusted :hmmm:
This fixed the boot lid problems I've been having on my VT, thanks BlackVXGTS!