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New VT owner with some questions!!!


New Member
Mar 29, 2013
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Members Ride
VT Berlina II
hey there,

new to the forums was hoping i could pickle someones collective VT mind =P

iv tried the search but not having much luck thought someone might be able to point me in the right direction since im a bit of a Holden noob, my first car was a VH SLE brock lookalike some 13-14 years ago sold it after a year because i loved driving it to much and it loved petrol more then my wallet loved me, anyways picked up a half decent 2000 vt berlina last week and iv started to tidy it up to ship me around for a wile, the only issue im having trouble putting my thumb on is a knocking sound that seems to come from the floor pan around the passenger front it only seems to happen over large bumps and only came about after a few weeks owning the car, did not do it at the time that i picked it up, i looked under the car myself but feel like I must be over looking something, i hopped on the net to see what i could dig up and i thought i was heading in the right direction with problems related to broken or damaged from sway bar links ( as the car tends to pull to the left just a little ), but upon inspection of the ones in mine they seem poor but not broken, feel free to point me in any direction if you have experience in this area, the only other down side was the drivers window seems to have a Parkinson's attack half an inch short of closed i guess ill have to pull the door trim down and inspect it myself,

car also came with 19" china rubbish wheels going to swap them out for a set of internationals the second i find a half decent set without putting the groceries on the credit card =P

ill also troll the forums a bit more for suspension info, but i was going to put new shocks in it and some SSL king springs, so far ti seems that the Monroe GT sports are the ducks nuts but alternatively open to suggestion as this car is only a cruiser and will be kept rock standard factory outside of some suspension components, im just having trouble wrapping my head around the king springs, looking at pictures of other members rides the SSL springs will be what im looking for however i can only seem to find SL ( super low ) and Ultra Low springs for sale, feel free to share your wizdom!

Kind Regards




Jan 8, 2012
Reaction score
Auckland New Zealand
Members Ride
Just have a look at the link pins. Also the strut top bushes eventually go so there's another one that will make noise when hitting bumps.

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