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Formerly 75HJPREM
Jun 17, 2010
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Getz Lyfe & E34 Project
The other big issue I have is the cost of products these days. You can get 5-6 litres of fizzy for what a bottle of milk costs, bread Vs chippies is the same. The government has a lot to answer for. NZ is a primary producer of some of the best milk based products in the world and yet we also pay some of the highest prices for said products. There is something wrong with this model. Not sure what it's like in NZ but 2L of coke here is about $2-3 ( cheaper soda drinks are about $1.79 for a.75L) 2L of milk is $2

Bread is also about 2 bucks a loaf compared to enough chips to fill me up as much as a loaf of bread is i'd have to buy about $5 worth from the fish n chup shop

This is something I feel quiet strong about. I see the messages that my kids get and I know it's not right. I try to show them otherwise but it is difficult to combat what the official message from the government is who see no issue with all the fast foods we consume as a nation, we are still on the "fat is bad" bandwagon even though this has been proven to be incorrect and the government does not care about the sugar content of products even though obesity and type 2 diabetes is the fastest growing medical issues in the country.

Everything in moderation is the key, a wholesome diet with fats carbs,salt,sugar,protein and salt is the best way to go, one of the biggest problems is that people enjoy convenience so much they don't mind shoveling deep fried goodies down their face rather than actually cooking a meal in advance.


Can't live without smoky bacon!
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Apr 15, 2006
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Sth Auck, NZ
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Coke is $2.50 2L bottle, milk varies between $3.50-5.40 for 2L depending on the brand and that is my point, we pay through the roof for a product that is produced locally. You can get Anchor milk from NZ cheaper in the UK than you can here.

A decent loaf of wholemeal type bread is about $3.50 a loaf or you can get the crap highly processed white bread cheaper but that stuffs not that great either.

Yep, moderation is the key, however almost every processed food available on the supermarket shelf today will have added salt/sugar to improve flavour and governments have the power to look at things like this and put things in place to reduce the issue but they won't because our government would rather support big business than look after it's own citizens.

Like I said earlier, I much prefer a home made meal :)


Tells it like it is.
Aug 15, 2004
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in today's works obesity is a thorny subject , and unfortunately New Zealand is the third fattest country in the world , with 31% of people over 15 classes as obese , personally I put he blame on personal responsibility , no one holds a gun to their heads saying "eat that bigmac fatty " , people have be choice, the government should tax the snot out of junk food , like they do with tobacco , and make healthier food tax free .

What is junk food and what is healthy??? Good luck defining that one.


Can't live without smoky bacon!
Staff member
Apr 15, 2006
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Sth Auck, NZ
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HSV VS Senator, VX Calais II L67
Interestingly, the only people who seem to be making a song and dance about this very issue (in NZ) is the Campbell Live show which although the government won't admit it must be a thorn in their side and is currently hanging under the threat of been axed.


expat Saffa
Dec 30, 2011
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New Zealand via Cape Town
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What is junk food and what is healthy??? Good luck defining that one.

well , that is the million dollar question , but in my view , tax free on fresh seasonal vegetables and fresh fruit , milk , meat & fish , and some bread products .


Slayer of Stupid Threads
Mar 13, 2007
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Glen Waverley, Victoria
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Its not easy to peg this one at simply personal responsibility. Sure we CHOOSE to put X in our mouths. But its not always McDonalds etc thats doing it. I struggled with weight after I quit Rugby and Gridiron because all I had ever know was that food intake. It wasnt bad food. It was just too much. A lot of blame is put on junk food. Junk food has its place. Like every other food. Would you believe me that Usain Bolt chucks down Maccas before races? He scoffs Mars Bars to. People need to look at Food as Energy. Weight is simply energy in energy out. Sure then you get into your fats etc but thats where moderation comes into it.

Lets break this down into what I think is to blame for modern obesity.

Lack of Proper Education: You would be hard pressing finding someone that actually knows what a proper portion is. How many times a day to eat. When and what to eat. That food pyramid nonsense we see on cereal boxes and stuff? Chuck it in the bin. Its wrong. There is a distinct lack of education when it comes to the human body and how it processes food. A lot of people have very large dinners. When your brain sees that plate full of dinner it goes into storage mode and stores all that energy away because youve made it think its not going to eat for a while. On the flip side. You dont eat and your metabolism stagnates. We have become very Americanised in our portion sizes. A steak should be no bigger than the palm of your hand. One of the biggest shocks for me was to actually measure a cup of something.

People sit down with a big bowl of pasta for dinner which is just wasted carbs. Despite what people say carbs are not the devil. People just need to learn WHEN to eat them. Lunch time is the carb cut off. Put the ####en bowl of rice down.

People need to be taught these things in schools. We all did home economics and PE as kids. Why wasnt this **** taught there? This is basic stuff that needs to be taught.

Our lives have become automated. We simply do not move. Theres very little exercise. Pretty simple really.

Cheaper the food - the worse it is for you. Cheap food is starchy and packed with carbs. Its usually processed white ****. What I found was good food can be expensive. It takes time to really learn how to shop healthy and cheaply. But coupling proper portion size with shopping healthy and its not too bad. A lot of people who try and eat well havent got their portion size correct, come to shopping time and it costs twice as much.

People have been tricked. So many people I know, who know I am a gym junkie now go out for dinner and say "its ok you can have subway".

If youre eating a Footlong from Subway you may as well go get a Big Mac meal. People think Subway is healthy. Its not. Even a 6 inch is almost double the amount of energy of a regular meal for me.

In the end it does come down to personal responsibility. But its about helping people make that choice. Teaching people what these magical numbers mean. Weight loss is 90% in the kitchen. Untill youve got your food right theres no point even looking at a gym.


Obviously Unsensible
Sep 2, 2010
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2000 Vs Ute
have to wholey agree on the portion sizes there gren.
everyone in the family thinks because of my size (comparatively to them I am bigger) that I should eat way more.
go around somewhere for dinner put a nice amount on the plate and they look in amazement why there isn't more, even asking why there isn't more or to say to go back for more. same with at home.

its all in moderation though.

there is a time to have that footlong from subway, so long as you know the energy is massive and you can balance it out.
same with having say a big bowl of pasta for dinner, of which I normally aim for the night before competing on the bike.

I wouldn't necessarily say its down to education on whats good or what isn't, although it does contribute
people know that x or y is bad, they just get lazy *puts hand up to say I am one of these people* and just go the easy option.

at the same time its great to get into a healthy routine and attempt to stick to it.
if you can make lunches and snacks for your day beforehand then awesome.

basically its very easy to go over the top and become obese
having personally been there after sitting behind a desk at school for years and doing no real exercise its a very easy trap to fall into.
then getting into a really good routine, cutting out a lot of sugar, doing a physically demanding job and being involved in a sport you enjoy can certainly turn it all around.

but as usual it comes down to everything in moderation.