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hey all
just got a new letterbox grille for my VN before from the wreckers. its in hell good condition but needs a paint as its cream, and my cars white. went to the panelbeaters - $93 and 3 days to paint a grille. i thought **** that, so ive decided to do it myself. help me out. what do i need, what do i needa do. i have a mate who reckons he knows but i dont trust him with my car!! also how much am i looking at. i figured it would be alot less than $93!!! all help much appreciated.
cheers guys


Hi, if its already painted and in good condition,rub it wet with 600,then 800wet and dry. You will need the colour code on your compliance plate. then either go to a paint supplyer and get a mix of acrylic or 2pac(problem is you need bout 50mls pf colour and the smallest mix will probaby be 250mls. Acrylic your cheapest option, (round $25 for mix)just have to wet it up a bit to get the gloss of the gun. other wise get a pressure pack mix(do the job but nasty),make sure item is cleaned with prepsol and dry, and way you go! not hard if your in townsville would cost you bout $40 in 2pac at my shop. so $90 mark is very steep.


sweet thanks for ya help. what do you mean the pressure packs are nasty, and do ya just get em at like autobarn or something? will i still need to sand it back before i paint it?


Nasty cause there not very pro like, ok for small jobs like your i suppose, yeah autobarn sell p/packs, so do paint and panel beating suppliers.(some) If its just for the grill you"ll be ok. its when you start painting stuff everywhere its dodgy.