I struck a few cop cars that had been in accidents...Nothing major.....Look at the service books and I could see they were serviced reguarly.....Some even before schedule.....What I was told about the before schedule ones was, because they were involved in a pursuit, so they had preventative maintenance done....Some having the extra service done after a few thousand kays after the regular service, purely because of it being involved in a pursuit....Something a regular everyday Joe Blow car doesn't receive....ie, give it a bit of a squirt and go back and give it a service....
One thing that can be guaranteed with a police car is, everything would have been repaired before it went back out so it is in tip top shape and a good chance it has been thrashed.....Something you take pot luck with buying 2nd hand cars generally....
I also own an ex-cop car of the non-holden variety.....No difference buying that car to any other 2nd hand car for me....So why anyone would be scared buying an ex-cop car is beyond me....