G'day guys
Firstly HI I'm the SPYMAN
Im a new member
I shot almost all the spy pics u see in our wounderful car mags
and now that there is a breathing space inbtw models
i was looking to have a chat about Cars/VE/BF2 what ever.
i replyed 2 a tread about blackacdx's above named cars and stated i had an early pic and got a s**t load of pm's about a look
so i've cropped a side pic for u to talk about
Regards spyman
Firstly HI I'm the SPYMAN
Im a new member
I shot almost all the spy pics u see in our wounderful car mags
and now that there is a breathing space inbtw models
i was looking to have a chat about Cars/VE/BF2 what ever.
i replyed 2 a tread about blackacdx's above named cars and stated i had an early pic and got a s**t load of pm's about a look
so i've cropped a side pic for u to talk about
Regards spyman