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[NSW] Seeking guidance on 20" rim choice.


New Member
Aug 24, 2012
Reaction score
Worrigee, NSW
Members Ride
09 VE SV6 Ute
Haylo to all.

After a few yrs away from the scene, i've decided to return to the fray. Started by picking up a fairly tidy 09 VE SV6 ute. The Ute came with some impressive looking 22"rims but the previous owner appears to have had some altercations with gutters, which has left them a lil scarred. Add to this, the 22s aren't really daily-drive appropriate for me..

Have decided to invest in some fresh 20" rims & owing to a limited budget, have picked a couple of options.

Lenso Eminense & King Matrix. Both are the style i'm chasing & fit within funding. The Matrix are local but a lil more expensive while the Eminence require a bit of a trip to get..

A friend has opinioned that the Lenso rims are a lower grade of alloy & should be avoided "like the plague".

SO, i seek guidance on this lil decision. Should i pay the extra for the Kings or will the Lenso rims be sufficient? I'm not one to tear around at rapid pace & am fairly careful when on a less-than-smooth road surface..

It's a vague request i know but after opinions from "those in the know".

All opinions appreciated,
Thanks - Scott