Does anyone have any information or possibly photos on where they have routed their intercooler piping, I'm looking at reversing the manifold, then run the piping up beside the battery up to the reversed throttle entry, outlet would go down beside the pod filter but like I said any photos or easier tips on this would be much appreciated, thanks
Also wiring and mounting the coil pack with reversed manifold and intercooler, where and how
Also is there anyone in the Auckland OR NZ area that can tune my VY ecu OR..Aus who could also assist, I have ordered a tune from MACE for NA so I will have my original PCM that can be fiddled with, I also have an ALDL cable and the appropriate software to modify the BIN files and reflash the PCM (TunerPro and FlashTool is all I need from memory ), I just need some assistance here, unless someone can supply me with a base tune to run for the time being
Going to see a fabricator on Monday so I'll have a chat with him, any info you guys could supply me with would be great, thanks