so what are some of your engine specs mate??
when youve got/find TDC of #1 on the compression stroke..this is how i do it ..u can pull the spark plug out, put your thumb on the spark plug hole and crank it till your thumb is popped off the hole (make sure u remove the coil to dizzy lead) and at the same time you need to stop it as close to the pop as possible, then line the balancer (12 degrees) to your middle marker. if you go past 12 degrees you have to crank it at again
once youve found this point and have set it to that^.. line the #1 spark lead on the dizzy cap to where the rotor is....
this should get you started!
get the engine idling and with your timing light point it to the mark on your timing cover.
you may need to advance/retard it depending on how close you are.
you initial timing at idle should be 12-18 degrees before TDC, depending on your cam and compression....u can adjust it to suit. id start with 12 as a basis
increase rpm at a steady rate whilst reading your timing gun. youl see it will advance to approx 32 degrees before TDC.
this is your total timing figure and should be all in by 3500rpm....another words is it wont advance any futher than 3500 at 32 total timing.
now these figures ive suggested are a basis to start off with. You will need to set the basics as stated then take it for a strap ... feel how it behaves depending on your cam you may need more timing
if its a little dohey down low youl want more initial
following these basic procedures is pretty much may take a little stuffing around depending experience but thats half the fun
any other question let us know